Thursday, June 07, 2012

Name the Cupcake returns

Fans of cupcake nomenclature will be pleased to hear that June sees the long-awaited return of our Name the Cupcake competition! Here's how it works: We put up a pic of a little cupcake, not long of this world and wandering aimlessly nameless. You take a look, noting any amusing/interesting features on the little chap, and suggest a suitable moniker. If we like you're name the best we hold a little ceremony, pass on the winning name and reward it's suggester with 4 dozen mini cupcakes, absolutely free!

Anywho, enough of my blabbering - take a look at the sunny little chap above and hop over to the competition page to send us your suggestion! Naming closes on June 30th and we'll announce the winner right here on my blog shortly thereafter.

Happy naming everyone!


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